Our dreams give us the spiritual advice and information about what's happening on the other side of reality. When we drift to sleep every night parts of our soul take flight gathering information and bringing us messages.
Many cultures and spiritual traditions around the world, speak or read protective prayers for the soul before sleeping, enabling the souls helpers to accompany the soul through the night.
Blessings / prayers before sleeping are always helpful especially for children, providing soul protection while the soul journeys away from the body.
During sleep we can be of witness or a part of different types of dreams, the three differing types are as follows;
Vital soul dreams usually include flying, travelling, sexual union but can also be as normal as our daily routine where we are digesting and processing the last days events.
Personal soul dreams can include emotionally satisfying dreams, dreams of love and dreams where our deep longings and desires are fulfilled
Wisdom soul dreams are the impressive ones also known as 'big dreams', these are usually very clear and can be prophetic, otherworldly, informative and very interesting.
Dreams often give us the first signs of a disturbing or traumatic event on our life path in the upcoming days, weeks or months. These warnings through the dreams can be very useful, its our souls way of trying to tell us energy is trapped, something is disturbed or there's an intrusion going on.
Dreams usually communicate with us in metaphor and riddle, but periodically they can have the essence and architure of a real location.
To decipher and understand a dream, its usually best to work from your own symbology and interpretation and not from the new age dream meaning dictionary.
Make use of a dream diary
If you wish to use your dreams for prophetic, divinatory or healing purposes it's best to keep a dream diary.
Using a dream diary strengthens our dream vision and makes them clearer, dreams can then be used as a wonderful positive experience for prophecy or working through a life situation.
As dreams usually dissipate and become less vivid upon waking its's best to write them down or any parts you can can remember as soon as you wake up.
Dream experiences can often seem surreal, compelling or strange with totally impossible things thrown in like flying, breathing under water or not being able to walk or run fast enough.
Some dream sequences are remarkable and similar to shamanic journeying and we can interpret them by the same formulae.
The symbols, metaphors and landscape in dreams are a rich source of spiritual soul food for us to process and digest.
When these symbols and metaphors become spoken about with an intellectual scientific or dream deciphering book, the essence of those dreams seems to become dampened; intellectual comprehension of dreams diminishes the depth and truth of our own souls comprehension.
So make an effort of writing them down and see what happens!.
Achieving healing restful sleep
Taking control of nightmares
Nightmares, those disturbing dreams that shake us out of deep sleep can be caused be multiple things; alcohol, medication, sleep deprivation, depression and drugs.
Reoccurring nightmares can be vital energy sapping leading to insomnia and making you vulnerable and depressed. Here's some advice for nightmare free nights...
Peter Carvello,
June 2024.
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