Check that the fast growing hedges and shrubs such as Ligustrum and Beech are not getting out of control if so cut them back a bit, and always remember to keep a watch for nesting birds
before you start any trimming or pruning.
Dig out any fast spreading weeds and grasses in the flowerbeds and vegetable plots.
Use bamboo stakes to support any unstable flowers such as lilies and Dahlias.
Check for aphids on the roses, berry gardens and fruit trees and treat infestations with soapy water, leave the soap based liquid on the leaves and stems for some minutes then, rinse the
plant through with a jet of water from the hose pipe.
Water herbs, vegetables and flowers in pots and containers regularly, especially during the upcoming dry sunny weather.
Tie into line the fast growing stems of raspberries, brambles and other sprawling fruits, also look out for any rambling raspberry shoots growing out of their dedicated area and take them
Give an organic tomato feed to fruiting vegetable crops such as tomatoes, courgettes, pumpkins and peppers.
Introduce more herbs in pots such as basilikum for an aromatic herb filled Autumn.
If the chives are not growing so fast rejuvenate them; cut down the whole clump to the base eat the fresh cuttings, and watch the new shoots race and produce happier, healthier plants in just
a few weeks.
Take cuttings of herbs such as sage and marjoram, plant in pots of wet gritty compost, and put the pots on a sheltered window ledge and watch them grow.
Venture out on regular evening slug hunts especially after rain to reduce the populations. For the full slug control guide, click the link below.